Etusivu › Registration form for students and talents Registration form for students and talents International talent | Registration form for students and talents 2022 Full name(Pakollinen)Email(Pakollinen)Phone number(Pakollinen)I'm a(Pakollinen) Student Talent Answer the following questions based on are you either a student or a talentStudent – Field of studyStudent – Year of studyTalent – Education backgroundTalent – Current or preferred field of employmentAre you looking for(Pakollinen) Internship Post-graduation work Full-time job Something else If you replied 'Something else' on the previous question – What you're looking for?I agree sharing the information between the organizers (Kuopio Region Chamber of Commerce, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, City of Kuopio). Your information will not be used for anything other than organizing this event.(Pakollinen) Yes